PEER has served more than 150 great clients since we began in 2003

Selected examples include:

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Four Winds Nature Institute

Synthesized scholarly literature on the benefits of childhood nature play; measured outcomes for FWNI early childhood educators participating in Nature Play and Learning Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)

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Designed, analyzed, and reported on a set of ongoing, annual surveys of hundreds of Tinkergarten leaders and thousands of parent participants

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Hudson Highlands Nature Museum

Conducted a pre-post study of attitudes and practices associated with programming in a nature play demonstration site

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US Department of Agriculture

Built and implemented systems for monitoring grantee progress and measuring results of a multi-million dollar nationwide Farm to School grant program

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Shelburne Farms

Evaluated multiple years of Farm to School (FTS) institutes, supported Vermont statewide census of FTS programming, including FTS student outcomes

Yours is the BEST logic model EVER!
It’s something I’d leave with a donor
interested in Farm To School.
— Sue Dixon, Special Gifts Coordinator, Shelburne Farms